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Desbloquear/ Unlock Samsung Galaxy S4 - I337. 4.2.2. MF3

Desbloquear Samsung Galaxy S4 - I337. 4.2.2. MF3

1 -put our phone in usb debugging mode
2 - put it in DM * # 0808 # mark DM + MODEM + ADB
3 - * # 9090 # choose MD over UART  
Here I leave a video      
unlock samsung galaxy s4 i337 - YouTube  

Selected model: I337
Selected port: COM20 Z3X BOX Serial Port
Selected port speed: 115200
Searching ADB device... Conectar USB Cable
Please, allow USB debugging on phone... OK
Reading phone info...
Android version: 4.2.2
Product code: SGH-I337ZWAATT
Phone version: I337UCUAMF3
PDA version: I337UCUAMF3
CSC version: I337ATTAMF3
IMEI: 356565055727954
Phone S/N: R31D6023W7T
Checking Super user right... true
Writing data to phone... OK
Rebooting phone... OK
Checking phone at COM20 OK      Conectar Cable Uart
Repairing IMEI... OK
Reseting... OK
Repair done
Done with Samsung Tool v.15.7
Done with Samsung Tool v.15.7

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