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Neobux, si paga!

Esta si paga de verdad!
mi pago de neobux.

mi pago de neobux en paypal.

Neo Pays Bux no paga!!!!

PaypPal Instant Pay
Due to lot of cheaters, we not enable paypal instant.

Alertpay Instant Pay
Payment not sent due to unexpected error.

Proof Of Payments

ID #UsernameMethodAmountDate RequestedDate Paid
1039ShounerjeeInstant Paypal$1239.99Apr/02/2010Apr/02/2010
1038DaeldInstant Paypal$7218.99Apr/02/2010Apr/02/2010
1037WillialardInstant Paypal$523.99Apr/02/2010Apr/02/2010
1036KylrmainInstant Paypal$471.99Apr/02/2010Apr/02/2010
1035AmlinskiInstant Paypal$566.99Apr/02/2010Apr/02/2010
1034WarmanInstant Paypal$378.99Apr/02/2010Apr/02/2010
1033RicagheInstant Paypal$268.99Apr/02/2010Apr/02/2010
1032debberwoodInstant Paypal$2492.99Apr/02/2010Apr/02/2010
1031ClabaughInstant Paypal$1085.99Apr/02/2010Apr/02/2010
1030AllankleInstant Paypal$2476.99Apr/02/2010Apr/02/2010

Entonces Cuando yo reclamo mi pago, salen los errores, que coro!!!